*Within 5 years over 90% of crude export capacity will come from the Middle East and Caspian Basin*
Neocons… McCain’s team
“While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein …
“the process of [military] transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor …
signed by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, et al
Brzezinski Obama’s puppet master.
“Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.”
— “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives,” by Zbigniew Brzezinski (1997), Council on Foreign Relations, National Security Advisor to President Carter and adviser to Presidents Reagan and Bush the First
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski about how the US provoked the Soviet Union into invading Afghanistan. History can and does repeat itself, Georgia?
Michael Springmann, head US consular official in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, later claims that during this period he is “repeatedly ordered… to issue [more than 100] visas to unqualified applicants.” He turns them down, but is repeatedly overruled by superiors. [BBC, 11/6/2001; ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, 11/25/2001]
Springmann loudly complains to numerous government offices, but no action is taken. He is fired and his files on these applicants are destroyed. He later learns that recruits from many countries fighting for bin Laden against Russia in Afghanistan were funneled through the Jeddah office to get visas to come to the US, where the recruits would travel to train for the Afghan war. According to Springmann, the Jeddah consulate was run by the CIA and staffed almost entirely by intelligence agents. This visa system may have continued at least through 9/11, and 11 of the 19 9/11 hijackers received their visas through Jeddah (see November 2, 1997-June 20, 2001), possibly as part of this program (see October 9, 2002 and October 21, 2002). [BBC, 11/6/2001; ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, 11/25/2001; CBC RADIO ONE, 7/3/2002; ASSOCIATED PRESS, 7/17/2002 ; FOX NEWS, 7/18/2002]
——————————————————– OIL
Cheney’s energy task force. Includes maps of Iraqi oil fields. Went to supreme court for failure to disclose.
In his second week in office George W. Bush created the task force, officially known as the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG) with Dick Cheney as chairman. This group was supposed to “develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future.”
March 2001: Cheney’s Energy Task Force Eyes Iraq’s Oil Reserves
Cheney’s Energy Task Force authors a variety of documents relating to the oil industries of Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. [JUDICIAL WATCH, 7/17/2003; CBS NEWS, 1/10/2004; NEW YORK TIMES, 1/12/2004]
Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield contracts – This document, dated March 5, 2001, includes a table listing 30 countries which have interests in Iraq’s oil industry. The document also includes the names of companies that have interests, the oil fields with which those interests are associated, as well as the statuses of those interests. [VICE PRESIDENT, 2001 ; VICE PRESIDENT, 2001]
Map of Iraq’s oil fields – The map includes markings for “supergiant” oil fields of 5 billion barrels or more, other oilfields, fields “earmarked for production sharing,” oil pipelines, operational refineries, and tanker terminals. [VICE PRESIDENT, 2001 ]
Other documents – Other documents include oil field maps and project tables for both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates [VICE PRESIDENT, 2001; VICE PRESIDENT, 2001; VICE PRESIDENT, 2001; VICE PRESIDENT, 2001]
——————————————————— Warnings about 9/11 were sent to the Bush / Cheney administration from
Afghanistan (under the Taliban)
Cayman Islands
Saudi Arabia?
USA (FBI investigations of the flight schools)
Senator’s word’s
“They don’t have any excuse because the information was in their lap, and they didn’t do anything to prevent it.” – Senator Richard Shelby, then ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee; member of the joint intelligence committee that investigated 9/11
“I don’t believe any longer that it’s a matter of connecting the dots. I think they had a veritable blueprint, and we want to know why they didn’t act on it.”
– Senator Arlen Specter, a Republican member of the joint intelligence committee that investigated 9/11
Richard Clark
THE COUNTER-TERRORIST, Lawrence Wright, The New Yorker, Issue of January 14, 2002 http://www.newyorker.com/FACT/?020114fa_FACT1:
“[I]intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. ‘It all came together in the third week in June [2001],’ Clarke said. ‘The C.I.A.’s view was that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks.’ On July 5th, Clarke summoned all the domestic security agencies—the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Customs, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the F.B.I.—and told them to increase their security in light of an impending attack.”
No Warnings? I think the citizens were the only ones not warned?
Willie Brown got low-key early warning about air travel, Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross, San Francisco Chronicle, September 12, 2001 http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/09/12/MN229389.DTL
“For Mayor Willie Brown, the first signs that something was amiss came late Monday when he got a call from what he described as his airport security – – a full eight hours before yesterday’s string of terrorist attacks — advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel.”
“On Sept. 10…. a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.”
Newsweek 24 September 2001
“CounterPunch has also learned that an internal memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10 advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees to avoid any American government buildings.” http://www.counterpunch.org/aftershocks.html
Village Voice: Officials Warned of Plans to Attack DC, NY with Planes
“The U.S. government had received repeated warnings of impending attacks—and attacks using planes directed at New York and Washington—for several years. The government never told us about what it knew was coming.” http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0332/mondo4.php
Florida State: Jeb Bush Declares Martial Law 9-7-01
“Based on the potential massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of terrorism at a Florida port, the necessity to protect life and property from such acts of terrorism…” http://www.state.fl.us/eog_new/eog/orders/2001/september/eo2001-261-09-07-01.html
CBS News: Ashcroft Avoided Commercial Travel Prior to 9-11
“In response to inquiries from CBS News over why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a “threat assessment” by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term.” http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/07/26/national/printable303601.shtml
“The war on terrorism is an integral part of Bush’s National Security Doctrine . It is being used as a pretext for waging war on Iraq. Many antiwar activists are unaware that successive US administrations have over the last 20 years supported Islamic terrorism including Al Qaeda . The latter is a creation of the CIA. It is a key instrument of US foreign policy”
The Bush-Saudi Connection
“even as the hijacked planes smashed into the World Trade Center, the Carlyle Group was holding its annual investor conference. Shafig Bin Laden, brother of Osama Bin Laden, attended”
Published on 4 Aug 2006 by MuseLetter / Energy Bulletin. Archived on 4 Aug 2006.
Middle East at a crossroads
by Richard Heinberg
an excellent analysis tying together the Sunni – Shia split, demographics, geology, declining oil fields, the emerging world war – a must read for understanding the situation.
*War Games/NORAD*
Gen. Ralph Eberhart, commander of NORAD on 9/11 was promoted to head the new “Northern Command” afterwards if 9/11 had been an intelligence “failure” General Eberhart would have been court-martialed (He was promoted for failing to follow proper protocol.
9/11 commission blamed it on the FAA which happened to safely land several thousand planes that day.
Multiple drills were happening at the same time as the Hijackings including The US National Reconnaissance Office, which operates spy satellites, was conducting a simulation of a plane crash into their headquarters (near Dulles Airport in Virginia) on September 11.
Ironically, during 7/7 london bombings they were running one terrorism drill as well and Mr 9/11 was there himself.
Friday, 8 July, 2005, 04:19 GMT 05:19 UK
Giuliani says attack echoes 9/11
Mr Giuliani said people must stand up to terrorism
The Mayor of New York during the 9/11 attacks, Rudolph Giuliani, has spoken of the “eerie” experience of being in London near one of Thursday’s blasts.
– why the director of the “commission” to investigate 9/11 is a business partner of Osama bin Laden’s brother in law (Gov Thomas Kean, formerly of New Jersey, is a director of Amerada Hess, which is invested in the Saudi consortium to build the fabled pipeline across Afghanistan …) Even Fortune magazine has picked up on that.
———————————————————- Current events
-Georgia picks fight with Russia(those civilians were pawns)
-Cheney threatening Russia (Moscow’s action “will not go unanswered”.)
-Musheraf kicked out of Presidency of Pakistan
-US Troops in Pakistan! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F1oRcsEJEc
-US embassy kicked out of Bolivia and Venezuela
-US failed attempt to destabilize Bolivia (Their crime, lots of natural gas)
-Russia has moved bombers to Venezuela
-China to drop dollar holdings
-US moved “missile shield” to Poland(because of Russian aggression, in reality provoked by Georgia) also the “missile shield” is missiles pointed at Russia
-Massive multi-national naval armanda deployed.
-Russia claims we are arming Georgians with our “aid”
-The financial industry’s losses are being thrown on our and our children’s backs and the economy is falling fast
-Israel says it will strike Iran in the near future
-Permanent bases in Iraq
-Bill of Rights gone(patriot act, Fisa and many others)
During the great depression, the US chose the future, the UK chose the past and Germany chose madness. What are we doing today?
If you want to honor the dead, do your homework. Virtually, everything I have posted has multiple MSM sources.