With the new rate of 9 cents per kWh, my wife’s Model 3 costs about 26% of the cost of gas or $20 a month to drive 900 miles.
So the annual savings of the Model 3 are about $720 vs a 40 mpg gasoline car.
assume $3.5/gallon gas with 40 mpg or 9 cents/mile
assume 9.3 cents/ kWh with .250 kWh/mile or 2.3 cents per mile
860 miles/month
If the car lasts 15 years, fuel savings would be about 25% of the cost of the vehicle. We’re on our fourth EV (Model S/Model 3) My wife’s old Leaf was “totaled” in an accident. My daughter drives my Handa PHEV.
We installed solar but it really isn’t necessary with the EVTOU-5 rate.
yes there is a $16/month surcharge but with our over production and climate credit and $500 per vehicle EV rebate, we don’t pay for gasoline, natural gas or electric.
Total investment to do this for solar would be about $22K.
Depending on energy consumption patterns, payback is about 5 years.