With the current economic policies, it will be hard for US to keep these jobs even if they are created here. As soon as these products get exported to China, the manufacturing will gradually be moved there. China’s central and local governments are heavily involved in economic activities. When a foreign company wants to sell products in China, they will require the company to gradually produce the parts locally. That is why almost all cars (Mercede, Audi, BMW, VW, GM, Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan, etc) sold in China are produced in China.
Another major reason that US is unlikely to keep manufacturing jobs is our tax policies. For example, China uses VAT (Value Added Tax). When someone imports a product into China, the customs immediately collects a tax of 17% VAT plus product-specific import taxes. Unlike US, they use local value and add shipping fees when calculating the import tax. As a results, the import tax collected by the customs is frequently over 40%. In contrast, US frequently collects 0% import tax on many products (e.g. electronics). It is quite difficult to compete against China for manufacturing jobs.