with regards to the actual question posted by the OP, there are three big foreclosure tracking pay sites (it look slike there are more but some are powered by the data from others), we’ve debated the discrepancies many times on older threads and the owner of foreclousure radar has dropped in a few times and made some arguments.
There is a big college football game on today so my time is limited as I need to get my chores done so I can begin drinking at 5 when USC/OHIO ST starts so you may have to search the old threads yourself.
You can trust them and you need to be skeptical of them, using a single zip code, foreclosure, foreclosureradar and realtytrac will have wildly different results, sometimes they have twice the listing of another site. They leave alot of orphaned data on thir sites because there is so much data and moves so quickly. Some do not remove nods that have been remedied, some keep nots or foreclosures listed long after a new person has bought them. All three miss some foreclosures that are real and vacant and for sale. Just understand that it is an automated system that is not hand checked or entered, so consider raw data that you need to check on your. You can do this in person, by checking the tax roles and doing a grantee search. I personally feel they all leave more data on their sites because the more that are listed, the more likely it is you will subscribe.
I’ve found that the one you listed to be the more accuate of the three but I only search a single zip code so that trend may not carry over to other areas.