With only one of my four picks making the cut (barely), I’m pulling for Rory. With the lead he has right now at the turn, he has to win or he will turn into Ray Finkle, in an asylum, mumbling “laces out.”
He’s -11 and he got a double bogey on 18, his nearest is Yang at -5, third place is at -2. The best golfers in the world can barely get to even, the freaking cut was at +4. a 21 year old is 15 strokes above the cut, ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Tiger McIllroy. What will he go into Sunday with, a 10 stroke lead, 15? He could drink a beer a hole like the rest of us hackers and still win, I might be able to hold that lead with my costco golden bears. For those of you that don’t follow golf, this is not a normal lead, only old Tiger pulls this kind of stuff and even he rarely opened up this big of can of whoop ass.
The only downside, is after he choked the masters, if he blows this, i predict an epic spiral. He’s also not just a little irish, he’s all irish, this will end badly, and jameson’s whisky will play a substantial role. The kind of personal hell that will ultimately end up with someone quoting John Daly saying “that Mcillroy guy is a mess, I feel sorry for him.”
Never has a six stroke lead been equated as digging your own grave as it has now, I hope you pull it off Rory.