Wiretapping helped catch the enemy recently and avert a new attack.
There’s a HUGE difference between wiretapping and WARRANTLESS wiretapping. There are very very few people that disagree with all wiretapping, and I haven’t heard a single democrat say that wiretapping is bad.
What they *are* saying is that the executive branch of government wiretapped Americans without a warrant which, they believe, he is required to obtain by law. There is debate over this issue of course…
Unfortunately, the argument is not simple, or black and white. Therefore it has been easy for Republicans, and the oblivious masses, to suggest that Democrats are against wiretapping. They’re not, they just want the president to obey the law. If the law isn’t good enough (too slow, too boring, too orange, whatever) then the Republican president can go to the Republican congress and get the law changed. Then he can follow it.
Unfortunately, the Democrats just come across as being whiney and pedantic, when they’re actually making very important points. When I get all annoyed about people using “insure” when they mean “ensure” I feel like a Democrat. When I look at my pay check and see my tax bill, I *don’t* feel like a Democrat.