Oh that’s right….I am willing to be you can’t get one of those so called expert real estate agents to put one in for that low?
You know those experts that told us that real estate was just going to go up in 07? You know the ones who have no incentive to encourage a higher offer?
Or could it be our expert and non-conflicted appraisers? Those hard working souls who took all of 30 seconds to sign off on ZILLOW.COM’S well thought out apprasials.
Real Estate is exactly what someone is willing to pay. Is has been well established on this board that the price you pay is up to you! The forces (some tell me) are far more superior to our individual observations.
Nope, the more I see is a snow job. Any broker that tries to put in low ball offers are laughed out or riduculed out of business. Meanwhile all the A**ho*** would have you believe that a house has some emperical price point. Nevermind the TRILLONS of dollars propping this whole farce up. IF THE BANKS DID NOT GET THE TARP – AND IF MARK TO MARKET ACCOUNTING WERE IN PLACE, if the FED DID NOT LEND TRILLIONS of $$ manufactured out of THIN AIR …we would see 1999 prices in SD county.
So the “salty dogs” will reply….”Come on aldante…get with reality TARP and mark-to-market are the new reality…if you want to make money you have to accept what reality is”. You know the guys/gals who would have you believe even today that you “better get in while the getting is good” becasue home prices are going up from here. Problem with that is that TARP and non-mark-to-market are illusions….and as will all illlusions they will disapper. And guess who is left holding the bag……..that salty-dog real estate agent? That mortgage broker? The apprasier (who now has gotten religion?)…….Nope you guessed it….the poor slob who now owns real estate at twice it’s price who will be taxed 3 or 4 times its current level.
COMP killer…nope….the sign of more to come.
Nope the new potential homeowners have one opportunity to get a good price and that is what they sign their name to on the contract. Quit listening to the “experts” who got us into this mess. Listen to your own balance sheet and your own income statement. Nothing else.