Why isn’t deflation or inflation a choice that government can make at will, through the magic of the many money creation tools at the government’s disposal?
You may want to read this article, portions of which seems consistent to Rich’s comment above
Frankly, I don’t have the experience in the financial industry or related degree that would allow me to analyze the accuracy/logic of that article point-by-point. I just don’t know the topic well enough
Yet, much of this opinion piece seems to ring true. The writer at least gives impression he knows the subject well.
Regarding Bernanke’s views on deflation versus inflation we have this excerpt:
Anyone who reads the written works of our Fed Chairman knows that Bernanke’s long term plan involves devaluing the dollar against gold. This is the exact opposite of most prior Fed Chairmen. He has overtly stated his intentions toward gold, many times, in various articles, speeches and treatises written before he became Fed Chairman. He often extols the virtues of former President Franklin Roosevelt’s gold revaluation/dollar devaluation, back in 1934, and credits it with saving the nation from the Great Depression. According to Bernanke, devaluation of the dollar against gold was so effective in stimulating economic activity that the stock market rose sharply in 1934, immediately thereafter. That is something that the Fed wants to see happen again.
These are the kind of articles I look for when trying to figure out how to invest next, same for these similar articles below that discuss the major economic themes and expected market inflection points that will dominate our financial markets for the next decade, and beyond.
Jim Rogers is one of the best market traders out there. He started the Quantum fund with Soros, one of the most successful hedge funds of all time. Jim is also frequently interviewed on both Bloomberg and CNCBC. Rogers, and of course Soros, are both legendary. I view Jim Rogers as a financial genius, and a true American hero (for his courage to speak the truth in very public forums about the lies and conspiracies, and idiocy of our government officials)