Why don’t we just legalize the Constitution? The Constitution states that only gold and silver shall be legal tender. We’d be wise to listen to the advice of those that came before us when it comes to fiat currency, bimetallism, central economic planning, etc. Gold IS real money- has been for some 5000+ years. Chart the price of many items vs. gold and the price of those items relative to gold will remain flat. Not the same for paper money.
Paper money works until it gets inflated (over produced)…and it ALWAYS eventually gets inflated by those in charge of its production. Those who produce the money do this to more easily square up their debts. It’s much easier to debase with paper and ledger entries on a computer.
Inflation is a hidden tax that nobody wants to talk about. Those that get the money first (Wall St., big corporations, etc.) benefit while the rest of us have to produce/earn more to keep up. If nothing else, we should allow for competing currencies. If the dollar is so strong then it should be fine.