Why does he pick Inland Empire for “plowing over”. If anything, it should be Atlanta, Miami, Detroit and Chicago that need to be “plowed under” per his suggestion.
Other 3 look familiar, but Atlanta at the core of Armageddon sounds surprising. Any explanations?
City/Metro, State Inventory (as of 7/30/07)
Atlanta, Georgia 120170
Miami, Florida 112333
Detroit, Michigan 74658
Chicago, Illinois 71206
Riverside, California 52384
Houston, Texas 48277
Phoenix, Arizona 47223
Tampa, Florida 46451
Los Angeles, California 43676
Dallas, Texas 43421
Washington, DC 40022
Orlando, Florida 33973
Denver, Colorado 29100
Las Vegas, Nevada 28462
Minneapolis – St. Paul, 25961
Cape Coral, Florida 25308
Cleveland, Ohio 23661
Jacksonville, Florida 22102
San Diego, California 21301