Why do you think liberals were jumping up and down when Governmental powers were expanded at an alarming rate during the Bush Admin?? All in the name of fighting Terrorism. The Patriot Act, Warrantless wiretaps and on and on and on.
Liberals were called unpatriotic for standing up to the expansion of powers.
Government NEVER gives up power, never, and is forever trying to slowly expand it’s powers. Now and then the Government is able to expand in leaps and bounds and that happened under the last admin.
What we found during the Bush Admin was 100% support from Republicans for the expansion along with support from Conservatives.
As Obama has embraced the expansion of powers (that Bush started) he too is doing his part in trying to expand the Governments powers even more.
However, you will find this Administration is unable to expand nearly as fast as the Bush Admin. One reason is Democrats will not vote in lock step with the Party. Democrats will vote their conscience and some will vote the party line. Many Liberal voters will scream and holler at government expansion and of course now that a liberal is on office so will Conservatives.
If only Republicans and all the Conservatives out there would have voted or supported their conscience instead of the Party line, along with the voices of Liberals Bush’s attempts to expand would have been less successful.
You ever wonder why Republicans vote Party lines and Democrats rarely do?