Why do people keep needing the GOV to “save” us? I dont want the government to save me. I dont want the government deciding who deserves a house and who doesn’t (read: has to pay inflated prices). And I dont want the government interjecting themselves into the private sector. They have a HORRIBLE record in all of that and the only reason they have not been tossed is that is called treason and technically punishable by death. (along with peoples appathy for anyone but those they know)
What I want the government to do is to maintain an army that can defend the nation if called on, provide basic public services like schools and police and fire and roads, and regulate markets such that orderly and fair markets exist. (plus little things like national parks, NASA, NIH, weather forecasting and maybe a few more.) Now regulating markets is the problem right now, and is alittle open to interpertation based on what side of the coin you are on. But everyone agrees that some regulations shouldnt have been deregulated and that regulators were asleep at the wheel for those that still exist. Rewrite sensable regulation based on sound economic fundamentals, Get some politicial seperation between politics and the regulators so they will “throw the flag” when needed and not 7 years too late, and stop bailing out bad companies with inept managment.
But Please stop trying to “save” me. All you are doing is makeing it harder to swim on my own.