“When you have hispanic kids growing up in homes that english is the second language you will naturally see lower API scores for them that will pull down the schools average”
“There is an ethnic bias against education among Mexicans, because they don’t value education as much as whites or Asians”
PS and SDR, as a Hispanic (not Mexican) I have to tell I was a bit offended my the generalization “ naturally will see” “Mexicans do not value education” .
I have not skimmed the threads, I read them twice to make sure I was not missing anything. SDR you first said “naturally” as if were a fact for Hispanics kids to perform lower than average and then say that you were talking abut poor areas or ethnicity serves as surrogate for househould income.
I have no stats or do not know any Hispanic with kids going to school here is SD so both you SDR and PS could be right about your statement, here is SD. However I think it has a lot to do with the class of people that live here.
I come from middle class from a country in South America and the consensus among us (middle and upper class families) is that schools in the US are horribly bad. Higher education is great but middle and high school are really bad. English is not first language for any of us. I studied one year in the Midwest and have friends that have spent summers or year in various cities in the US (parent in the Army, doing advance studies, or diplomats) and all of us agree that school was a piece of cake (even lazy kids got As) , which was great while studying here but sucked when we had to come back to our country and we had to learn everything that was not taught to us to pass to the next grade. My sister and I had to spend a whole summer studying all we missed during that year.
I am sure if you compare kids from the same educational background Caucasian, Asians or Hispanics will score same in average. Most of the immigrants here are less educated and that is why it may seems it is the Hispanics. Same if you compare poor Caucasians, Asians and Hispanics maybe they all perform equality bad.
Anyway, I do not think neither SDR or PS meant bad, they only pointed a fact from their experience or data that they had available. I only wanted to give another perspective to it.
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