When I refer to NCC, I probably (incorrectly) consider that to be anything within a few miles of the ocean such as where we are in RSF, as well as our rentals in CV, etc.
We actually chose these locations out of preference, and when I/we fly out of Lindbergh, or any other airport in San Diego, it’s still a fairly easy commute.
Many pilot and other friends do live closer to the airport in SC and PL, and the commute is definitely more convenient for them. We all enjoy boating, and some even prefer to live on their boats, but we’re happy where we are, and don’t mind driving down to the airport, bay or ocean once a week or so + lots of family live in those neighborhoods.
As far as BB’s vs. any other generation having higher expectations with regard to housing or anything else, or being more discriminating in their life choices–I guess there are always generalities floating around–but we know many BB’s like ourselves who are highly educated and extraordinarily discriminating when in comes to housing, and other aspects of life, as well as individuals in other age groups with these same standards.
The main difference, perhaps, if there is one, is that many discriminating BB’s can actually AFFORD to live the lives they have chosen to live.
I truly hope that whatever choices younger generations make with regard to housing, or life in general, they end up living the lives they want to live as we have, and that they have the funds to do so–through retirement–THAT will be their REAL challenge in life.