When I got home from a long road trip last week, I had MOUNTAINS of election ads. (I’m registered as an “independent” so I get mailers from all parties.) I simply sorted them all in one big pile and recycled them.
I’ll vote based upon the past legislative voting history of an incumbent and if I don’t like what they’ve done (or haven’t done) while in “office,” I’ll do my own independent research of anyone else running for the post.
If no one strikes me as competent for the job, I’ll just leave that post unvoted for (this practice likely benefits the incumbent but better the [semi-experienced] devil you know …. )
Most of the local “gerrymandering” in recent years has taken place in North City (SD) and North County but I do recall (over 25 years ago?) when SD County District 1 somehow got Pt Loma folded into itself.
[img_assist|nid=19364|title=SD County Supervisorial Map|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=450|height=344]
4 out of 5 of the SD County supervisors are likely the longest incumbents in those posts in the history of the entire state! (District 3’s Pam Slater-Price is the only one who finally “retired.”)