Whatever you do make sure to buy physical and not the paper ETF. This is the biggest scam next to Bernie Madoff. GLD and SLV were simply created so that the government could interact with the metals market with a different type of approach. If you do some research SLV is required to own quite a few million ounces of physical silver and their fact shat seems a bit shady.
I sold my SLV last week before the big drop in metals as I was expecting some sort of decline after our market somehow reacted positive to the lies of CITI posting a profit in Q1. I am so frustrated with both the metals and the market at this point because non of it makes sense.
You have to assume that the dollar will lose a lot of value soon, but if this globe continues to react the way it has the last week or two to ridiculous economic propaganda it may take years before we actually see the dollar lose its’ value. Just my opinion. I am noticing that emotions are much more important than numbers at this point!