What would cause a snap back? There has to be a trigger. After the dotcom bust, the housing market got manipulated w/the capital gains tax break and lowered interest rates, then lowered rates again and again and then the NINA and liar loans and subprime and Alt-A and option ARMS, etc. etc.
This real estate bubble happened and it had multiple explanations.
What would be the impetus that will improve the economy? Will all the stimulus/bailouts/rescue do the trick?
After watching “House of Cards” I’m of the thought that anything the government can do at this point is slow things down from getting worse, not do what it takes to suddenly overnight improve it.
So many of our jobs have been outsourced, manufacturing, etc. In fact, real estate bubble saved us from a severe recession after 9/11 and the dotcom bust b/c it created jobs and money out of thin air.
What magical thing will be the upturn? Genuine. Collective Pigg minds. What will turn this around?