democrats seem to feel a need for someone to make the world a fair place via social programs – “even the playing field”, so to speak so everyone has a chance to grab the brass ring
I can understand having this desire for altruistic reasons – ie, “I’m so gifted it isn’t fair to everyone else – let’s put some regulations and taxes in place so the less fortunate of the world can benefit from my brilliance.”
I can also understand the more base (and likely more common) desire for a level playing field which springs from an inferiority complex – ie, “The world isn’t fair and I’m not good enough to compete. We need some regulations and taxes to make everyone equal.”
one of my basic tenets is that there is no free lunch anywhere in the universe – IMO the democratic mindset is all about free lunch for somebody (the less fortunate) and it is therefore a flawed concept
also, as a productive member of society it is typically my taxes that are paying for the ‘free’ lunch so I get really pissed talking to democrats that want to give even more of my money to the less fortunate of the world
perhaps we could spend my taxes on some self-esteem classes for the democrats of the world so they would realize that they are capable of competing on their own merits