what fat_lazy_union_worker does not realize is his salary, health insurance, pension, retiree health is being paid by the taxpayers. taxpayers are being squeezed. rising home and stock values cushioned the blow for the past 20+ years. With asset values declining the pain is being felt.
your average small business owner is unable to provide health insurance to their employees. it is a matter of time that the large companies start cutting back.
it is hard to have a 30-35 year career in corporate America. There will be a lot of changes.
pension in private sector is dead. Any company that provides pension is at a competitive disadvantage – GM, Ford, Chrysler. Motorola, IBM, HP ended their pension programs. Intel, Cisco, Microsoft never had pensions. Retiree healthcare is over.
It is hard to expect to keep benefits in the long run that have disappeared for the private sector.