What exactly is all this ‘additional marketing’ that, along with good pricing, will particularly get the job done? Are we talking about a color ad in the Sunday paper? (Yawn.)
I guess I just don’t get it. Everbody I know goes to realtor.com, craiglist, and/or maybe coldwell’s, prudential or (if they are smart) zip’s site which has useful info about DOM and price reductions. Any listing in the MLS lands in all these of course.
And then there is the sign with some decent flyers on it. Overall though, it seems to me the basics more than sufficiently expose your house to the market.
I do strongly agree about good pricing from the gate though. Otherwise you just ride the market down and send out a bad vibe. Oh, and paint the darn thing, clean it, clear the clutter junk out and maybe plant some flowers for goodness sakes — ie make a friggin effort if you want somebody to actually give you their hundred of thousands of $$.