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What do you want to know? Whether it’s foreclosed on? In pre-foreclosure (NOD)?
If it’s been foreclosed – that info should show on Redfin in the sales history.
Simple steps to do a public database dive…
To find out the owner, if it’s not held in LLC or in a common name trust (like Smith family trust won’t get you much….)
Get the APN number for the property (can get this by plugging in the address on Redfin).
Take that APN and plug it into the “bill number” field on the county property tax database: https://www.sdctreastax.com/ebpp3/%285x2gtq45rtl4ecm3cthnrx55%29/Start.Aspx
From there you get a responsible party for the taxes. If it’s a bank – then it’s pretty obviously bank owned. Save the name (if it’s an individual, couple, or unique enough last name)
If you want to know if there is a default of notice of trustee sale on the property, you can look that up on the county recorders website. http://arcc.co.san-diego.ca.us/services/grantorgrantee/search.aspx
You can’t see the actual doc’s without paying – but you can infer a lot based on the parties involved.
To interpret the types of documents you can get a list here: http://arcc.co.san-diego.ca.us/services/document_types.aspx
If you need help – shoot me a pm with the address.