Well, this begs the question. Why would you not list it in the MLS? If you are selling a place in a market that’s – being kind – sluggish, why would you limit yourself to anyone going by and seeing a sign? What if you live out of state, for example, moving here from No. Calif. You’re not jogging by and seeing a sign. I would think you’d want to get as much exposure as possible and sell the place quickly. This makes no sense to me at all. What the hey!
I’m really just wondering how any banks stay in business. First they give money away to anyone w/a popsicle stand. Then they let people live there for free for a year, then they don’t reduce the price of a home that’s foreclosed, don’t quickly accept offers that are reasonable and now you say they don’t list them in the MLS.
I try to learn and I get more confused. I feel like Spock right now.