Well, scaredy, I didn’t get a small dog (with a BIG presence) until babies were a distant memory for me. I’ve always been a cat person and still am.
BUT, one of my kids loves dogs and has two matching small/med sized dogs instead of kids, which they travel with. That’s fine by me. Dogs don’t require as much work as grandchildren do and when they visit me, they can visit my dog in the backyard because they drive my housecat crazy.
I’m just entering my “free as a bird” stage in my “old age,” lol, and don’t yet want grandchildren to take care of. I spent way too long just raising my own kids, due to too much time elapsing between kids.
Take note, young Piggs. Learn from me. Have kids when young and space them close together. Life can be short. DO NOT spend three decades (++?) raising kids!!
If you would rather have pets than kids, that’s fine. Different strokes for different folks.
scaredy, I know you don’t like dogs, but many men do. Lots of guys even like small dogs. Many breeds of small dogs are smart, but have a “Napoleon complex” and let their owner know that they “own” the perimeters of the house, the front/back/side yards, the sidewalk and street. Some are bossy and have an innate need to supervise the comings and goings of other household pets.