And though it’s not “politically correct,” I (and others here) have noted that the fastest-growing segment is the illegal immigrant community.
———— The study assumes that there are about 1 million children of illegal immigrant parents in California, or about 15 percent of the state’s K-12 school enrolled population. The estimate is based on a 1994 study by the Urban Institute that concluded there were 307,000 illegal immigrant children enrolled in the state’s public schools.
Martin also added an estimate of 597,000 U.S.-born children whose parents are illegal immigrants arriving at a total of 1,022,000 children. Multiplying the number of children by the estimated $7,577 the state spends on average per pupil, the study arrived at the $7.7 billion figure.
This is based on 1994 numbers, and I’m sure the numbers are MUCH higher now.
These kids are more likely to get free breakfast and lunch, and low income schools also qualify for more resources like nurses, psychologists, resource teachers, additional administrators, free supplies and materials, etc. The per-pupil costs are generally much more expensive than legal residents.
Schools and prisons and healthcare and welfare…
We can’t fix the problem if nobody is willing to correctly define the problem. That is political suicide…so we will continue down this path until we bankrupt the state, IMHO.