Well, people, it looks as though Trump will take AZ by storm on Tuesday:
Almost a quarter million Republican ballots have already been cast in Arizona’s largest county, potentially giving Trump a big leg up in the primary, experts say.
“That banking of votes early on does help Trump tremendously, no matter what happens,” said Richard Herrara, a political science professor at Arizona State University. “He’s probably got a pretty sizable lead, so he’s just got to hold on.”
Statistics from Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, show voters in Arizona’s largest county returned 249,703 ballots in the 2016 GOP presidential primary as of Thursday, more than the 248,128 cast for the entire 2012 contest.
Arizona is a big prize because the winner collects all 58 of its delegates.
“This has really been a different election season,” said Helen Purcell, the Maricopa County Recorder.
Trump has sizable advantages as primary day approaches.
He has been endorsed by former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and hard-line Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Recent polls have Trump up by 10 points or more.
However, the primary is closed, which means that only registered Republicans can vote, which may give rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich an opening.
Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said he’s optimistic about the outcome.
“We have a lot of support. Arizona is a state that has been hugely impacted by illegal immigration,” he told The Post…..
This tells me that many thousands of AZ Independents and Dems must have re-registered in time to cast their Republican absentee ballot, lol ….
The same thing can very well happen in CA, especially SoCal, which is greatly impacted by illegal immigration and where the budgets of local governments have been crucified by “unfunded mandates” caused from massive illegal immigration, and as a byproduct, the many thousands of “anchor babies” who made it possible for their (undocumented) parent(s) to remain in the country (the bulk of them born at one of two Chula Vista hospitals over the past 30 years).
Neighbors who are registered Republicans have told me that the Trump campaign has been heavily organizing on the ground for a spring blitz in the Golden State. SD and Imperial Counties are especially important as they are border counties. This is where the residents (as well as the hospitals and justice system) have been most directly impacted by illegal immigration, especially the population residing close to the international border (50th, 51st and portions of the 53rd Congressional Districts).
It’s going to be a fun spring and summer here in Cali, folks! Cox has been bombarding me with deeply-discounted “TV specials” now that I have once again turned in my cable box. Maybe, I’ll buy a case of microwave popcorn and take advantage of one of them around June-ish :=0