“Well honey, he gave you that tiny ring, he doesn’t really love you or care about you, he is a cheapstake or he has no money”. Implication being that he is a loser, we feel sorry for you.
Here is an example:
Heard a Phil Hendrie [While The Phil Hendrie Show became renowned for its unique and controversial guests, those guests are not real people (though callers dont know that) at all—they are fictional characters created and voiced by Hendrie himself]clip many years ago that had him “interview” guy that gave his fiancee a fake ring that he would replace later. All the women callers berated the guy for being a scumbag.
Here’s another funny fake ad from Hendrie:
“Y’know friends, after the turning of the calendar takes place and there is, of course, the usual looting and rioting, and all of the money will be devalued and you’ll certainly want to have something to barter with, and that’s why Peenman Enterprises has come up with something, I think you’re going to want to have: really expensive-looking shiny sparkly things that look like diamonds. You can get a bag of really expensive-looking shiny sparkly things that look like diamonds for only $89.95, we’ll send you a bag of them, then imagine the fun you’ll have trying to use them to barter a gallon of gasoline off a 300-lb. biker, good luck to you ma man, good luck. Remember, Peenman Enterprises’ big bag of shiny…sparkly looking things that kinda look like diamonds, be we aren’t sure: $89.95—try to pass those off to some guy who looks like Road Warrior Part VI… and watch the fun begin.”