I have this little website, that I consider myself the proprietor of given that I started it and put a lot of work into it and pay for for the dedicated server that it’s hosted on. If someone comes here and acts like a total jerkwad, I will ban them, and I don’t really feel much need to explain myself or cite laws or terms of use or constitutional amendments because you know what? Don’t act like a jerkwad. (And if the ban-ee differs with my definition of jerkwad, I refer them back to the part about me being the proprietor of this site, which is to say that I get to pick the definition).
Now, the example you cited, where the dude actually called the guy’s employers — that is something different. (Notwithstanding the idiocy of posting such stuff from work). You say “People get banned or people get tracked down and sued or something similar.” — I say, there is a big difference between getting banned (no big deal, just find a different site to be obnoxious on) and getting sued or fired, which is a major negative vis-a-vis one’s real, offline life.