Well from What I have seen in Temecula Valley the Foreclosures are disappearing very fast, 8 from my tract sold in December, only looks like maybe two are left (My tract is still being built and I like TG am in at about but not quite half what most of my neighbors bought in at) at first I think that there was some tension but that has gone away as those who were going to go into foreclosure have the rest probably had large down payments so are not going anywhere anyway .
I think that when this thing does finally turn, Temecula may just be just that “a boomtown” but that’s just my opinion.
I think there is a big push not to build more homes but more industry in the TV.
So unlike TG maybe, I see bigger things for TV down the road.
In my opinion in 5 or 10 years if you paid 400K or 200K will just be water under the bridge so to speak.
But I can see why everyone would want to get a steal of a deal !!!
Maybe that is what is happening ??? you know this boomtown thing …