That is an interesting observation about Brazil. I think people have extreme fear of inflation due to stories about Weimar Germany ( and more recently pictures of Zimbabwe’s currency with 15 digits. But U.S. inflation will be more like that in the 1970s, not even as much as Brazil. In fact, I think, people were not in extreme hardship during 1972-82. I don’t think there is any report of widespread homelessness or hunger (like in the 1930s).[/quote]
BS, you talk as if you have a clue about the amount of money being printed. You don’t have a clue nor does anyone here. I think we have printed enough to put us in a Zimbabwe like inflation scenario, but we are using other resources to combat this inflation. Will it get bad? Most likely and when it does it won’t be a walk in the park. You are crazy to believe it will be similar to the 70’s inflationary period. There are huge repercussions to our actions, unfortunately it is completely unpredictable at this point.[/quote]
Socrattt, I’m confused. ‘There are huge repercussions to our actions…’ and ‘it is completely unpredictable at this point’ seem to be contradictory statements. It sounds like you’re confident about the ‘scale’ of the problem. What are you unsure about? Please clarify?[/quote]
Predictions in regards to the type of inflation that will occur in the US isn’t possible as know one really knows how much money has been printed. One thing we do know is it is much more than 70’s inflationary period. This we can pinpoint with the bailouts along with an number of other stimulus programs. Granted not all programs required a printing press, but plenty did.
When I speak of unpredictability I am referring to the fact that eventually the time will come in the US where hyperinflation will kick in. The only question remains is when. I believe the US has created the perfect storm for the US economy and there is no turning back. What I can’t predict, nor can anyone else including the big boys at the FED, is when will the s**t actually hit the fan. No one knows and I truly believe something catastrophic could happen over night. It could happen with an announcement from the EU or Asia that they are changing the reserve currency or a simple collapse overnight of our banking system.
Will it happen soon? My guess is no as I believe our government is playing an excellent game of Stratego. But I do believe in the next 3-5 years we will experience some incredibly trying times here in the US. No charts will help you understand the direction we are going. The data is just that, it’s all manipulated, but I believe at some point, whether it be 3 months or 5 years, the truth will come out and America will suffer.