We were all under the assumption that the responsible would prevail at some point. Unfortunately our system is a bit crooked and our government has to continue to reward the crookedness to keep the system rolling.
There is no common thread in society at this point. Everyone still loves to spend money and watch reality shows and that obviously won’t change as long as our government can help it. I really wanted an awakening in America, but it won’t happen if Big Brother can help it.
If you want to win you need to think from a governmental control standpoint and realize that no one cares about any of us. Our politicians are all corrupt and that won’t change. One thing most of us have learned during the last couple of years is that being a good tax paying citizen doesn’t always pay off! In a world of greed, the greedy seem to always prevail, go figure!
The silver lining in all of this is there will always be opportunity! Creativity and a little hard will go a long way in any market.