We should talk sometime. I started my own small business about 3 years ago and might have some pointers for you. I am no expert in any one facet of finance, taxes, or real estate, but I have picked up some tidbits here and there. One big benefit is to incorporate your business. The tax benefits can be substantial…especially with things like vehicles, mileage, computers, etc.
I took more of a do-it-yourself approach to my start-up. I sat down and tried the whole business plan thing, but it just did not work for me. I think the business plans help provide some structure, but are mostly if you are looking to get a bank loan or other capital investment. Work on building your network now. And you might want to consider speaking to financial planning and tax specialists. They keep up with the latest laws and regulations, so you know you are getting current advice and not doing anything wrong. Rich (webmaster) and his associates are a good objective resource. I am sure there are many others out there as well…maybe even on this forum. PS: I am not affiliated with Rich’s company.