We pound on Lereah because he is misrepresenting the facts, i.e. he’s definitely lying because he has something to gain. No matter how much I would debate him, I’m certain he would not change his tune, because he is married to his agenda. So is Alan Gin, and that’s why I called Alan Gin a liar, and I signed my name to that. There is no use in debating with them, as their main goal is protecting their agenda, not learning or spreading the truth.
I don’t think anyone on this forum intends to mislead. In a forum, disagreements should be handled as they are in a debate, where you win not by shouting louder, but by arguing better. Logic trumps.
We don’t have agendas here. We’re willing to change our minds if a better argument is made. For example, when I first came here, I was sort of anti-realtor, but now I’m more pro-realtor, I was anti-gold and now am pro-gold. I don’t have an agenda to protect, just a sincere desire to learn with you all. I compliment people who are better than I. I compliment Chris on his trading, jg on his models, Rich on his early bubble call, lindismith for being an entrepreneur, etc. I started this thread mainly because some people like picking on me just because they disagree, and I was hoping this forum wouldn’t degenerate like so many others. Let’s keep it positive, folks.