If you’re going to try and be funny at least make sense, and limit the insults.
Back on topic –
I wouldn’t say it was planned as much as the result of politicians who are completely disconnected from reality.
They are living the high life, writing their own paychecks and pensions, set their own 3 day work week, and pocket the benefits while we work our asses off subsidizing their complacent stupidity.
The reality of our bipartisan politics now means nothing gets done. All they care about is who has bigger numbers.
So what do they do? They blow sunshine and hot air to get in office, then run things into the ground, because they have no concept of thinking beyond the next election.
The system is broke, and short of a revolution we need to eradicate the useless politicians – Democrat AND Republican – and get people in there who understand what it means to WORK, won’t offer handouts to illegals at the expense of taxpayers, and actually do something for once that will get this country back on track.