We moved to Juneau, the capital city, which is in SE Alaska. We live in a ‘temperate’ rain forest. Our first fall was pretty depressing, with months of rainy days on end, and diminishing daylight. The uplift of seeing the sunlight on a mountaintop for a few minutes after weeks of overcast makes you realize just how important it is to get a little sunshine. This last winter was extremely snowy–~220 inches of snow, all of which I shoveled by hand off of our driveway. Snow and cold was much more tolerable than that dreary rain. With snow on the ground, the landscape is much brighter. Besides that, I’m learning to ski, gradually.
I don’t fish much, ironically enough, since this is fishing paradise and my father and brother back in CA are fishing fanatics. This is gorgeous country, and when the sun is out you never want to leave.
See view from front of our house a couple of months ago: