We looked at the HOA/MR for Bridle Ridge: MR = $104/month for Plan 2 (the one we are interested in, $95 for the smaller Plan 1), and “budgeted” $114/month for HOA for the “newly established” Bridle Ridge HOA for the 32 homes by the sales models. Not as bad as we’ve seen elsewhere in CV. But bearishgurl’s comment kind of made me stop and think twice: “There’s something wrong with the notion that you will be paying substantial Mello Roos tax for schools your children may never be allowed to attend.” I really don’t know how bad the situation is at Ocean Air, Sage and Torrey Point, but they all three have the same big, scary signs specifically addressed to parents when you pull up in front. Can’t quite make it out on google street view unfortunately, but I recall it reading something like “Attention Parents: This school may be full…” and warns not to assume your child could go there. The sales woman at Carriage Run also said they’d been specifically asked by the schools to not say anything concrete about one’s chances of getting your kid in. Someone even suggested to us that we rent in the area first to see which of the three elementary schools our kid would get into (if any of them) before buying. That seems crazy! One positive of the BR homes by the models is that at least you are roughly between Ocean Air and Sage, so hopefully you’d get into one of those two if you bought there.