We just have regular phone, DSL internet, cell, and Dishnetwork all on one bill. It is cost about $150/mo. 400 min on 2 cells, Long Distance on land, 5.0 internet speed, 200+ channels (no hd yet) w/ no premium movie channels. Two set tops (1 DVR) that drive 4 or more TV’s. They multiplex the signal from each set top using separate channel (i.e. Channel 60). So you can tune any TV on the common cable for the tuner. If I had more than 4 TV’s, I only would buy another UHF controller(s), but still only have 4 tuners. We have 3 kids, 4-tuners usually enough with PS2, Computer, & Wii. They need to go outside and play sometime…
We plan on upgrading to U-verse with 4-tuner HD DVR when I break down and buy 50″ LCD.