We always rented till 1986/87 (can’t remember; senior moment) when we got a really good deal and bought. Sold it in 1996 for $50K more than we paid. We were in hog heaven about that and when I hear about the last downturn being in the early, mid-90s, I am puzzled. I don’t remember anything about that in the mainstream media (not surprising, I guess). Internet was really not available to the masses at that point.
Rented a really nice place (apt.) for 11 years, but what really bugged us was property mgmt found an excuse to come into our apt. at least twice a month (check smoke detectors, change the A/C filter–like we couldn’t do that simple thing ourselves). I’m really big on privacy issues. We weren’t operating a meth lab, growing marijuana, etc. Middle class, middle age.