Believe you will need to combine progroams to reach 100% financing. You would combine the Chafa Loan with the CDAP( California Down Payment Assistance Program) and wind up with over 100% financing. There are income limitations but you can get all of that form the web site. This is for the First time homeowner making 100K or less starting a family.
For those of you who are higher income 30 Year Fixed Rates
Clarksville Mortgage 5.45 APR 410-531-9227
Advantage One Mortgage 5.46 Tulsa Ok 405-942-2077
Homesource Mortgage 5.58 Sugarhill GA 7706144611
All of these figures come from the Wall Street Journal.
Hopefully this helps give you a better idea of low interest rate benchmarks.
This thread is a stating point not a shortcut for proper due dilignece.
I personally believe financig comes first Home buying comes second. Just an opinion.