It’s a complete manipulated scam condoned by the govt, allowing some people to make a fortune while others will lose big, although they have complete confidence in the system because the govt encourages it.. (wait a minute, did you ask me about the housing market OR the stock market ??)
The average person refuses to accept what the stock market actually is (a casino), and feels forced to participate as the only option. Most are forced to only benefit from being on the long side, yet fortunes are made by true professionals who are on the short side.
It’s the equivalent of letting:
1st graders drive a car
2nd graders play college sports
3rd graders perform root canals
4th graders buy houses with no money down
Any of these things might work for a while, but when the tide goes out and we find out who has been swimming naked it’s not going to be pretty.
Some people will make money but I believe that millions will be disillusioned when the bubble bursts and the result will make the current economic situation look like a booming goldrush.