You are right, I was confusing tax cuts with budget cuts. My mistake.
I have been trying to get a better handle on this budget mess, but numbers are just harder to come by than I expected. It seems everyone talks in generalities and non-specifics, and I am starting to question if anyone has a good handle on what is going on.
So here is what I know so far.
Roughly half our general budget goes to Schools.
30% or so goes to health and social services.
10% or so goes to prisons.
Everything else gets the remaining 10%.
Does anyone have any links on how much of that goes to salaries? How much goes to supplies? How much goes to Administration and reimbursments? How much goes to fund Pensions? (I noticed that wasnt apart of the budgeting, which means they are rolling it into the budgets overall.)
Here is a decient breakdown, but what I notice is that it doesnt even give total size of the overall budget. I didnt really find it anywhere. If I remember right, it is about 100billion, but I couldnt find it. Seems like a basic fact doesnt it?