My god. First off, you are veering well off the subject. Everything you mentioned with regards to all these problems a seller may have… not a damn thing to do with a short sale. These are pitfalls that could affect ANY transaction and would affect any buyer in the exact same manner regardless of whether the sale is short or not.
If we want to stay on topic, which was short sales….
why would anybody, anybody commit any money to inspections or any other fees before they get the pr.
How many short sales have you done? My god?
Lets work backwards… to submit a short sale offer to a lender you need to get an estimated hud. To get an estimated hud you need a pr.
As a buyer you are still months away from committing a penny to the deal.
You are going on and on about buyers spending all this money but any decent buyers agent has found out about all this stuff well before the buyer has spent a penny.
Nevermind… go ahead and think whatever you want to think….at this point it is really a waste of my time.