Warning!!! Self indulgent post!!!! Skip if you don’t like these things!!!!
C’mon Allan. I was just giving examples of reversing a phrase in self understood context of the entire thread. Sure there is a personal element based on our many previous headbutting sessions. In any case ,like I say, I can’t afford that level of debate anymore.It’s too sad and as you have pointed out before doesn’t accomplish much.Take me for some anti-(north)american jerk that makes little quips here and there from here on out if you want.Hopefully, I will just go away.
As for Karen Carpenter.
Well, death by anorexia is failure of a sort.I don’t believe I will end my life in such a tragic but useless fashion, thanks be to God. Nothing wrong with her or Cat Stevens other than that.I’ll take his music and just about anyone elses over hers.I flat out love some of his songs… Cat Stevens, choses the religious path he does, others chose to keep Catholicism or some other thing near and dear. Good for them. I love his music.Is he hurting anyone? Feel free to compare me to John Lennon. I do have better tastes in women though.