[quote=walterwhite]”The less confident you are, the more serious you have to act.”
– Tara Ploughman
i do see myself as sort of a cultural treasure, but I am a goofball and don’t take myself very seriously. My kids call me “dude”. I control almost nothing. And yeah, I am amusing in person. I sort of see it as part of my job description to make others like me so that I might persuade them, or at least momentarily distract jurors from a bad fact. But still, it’s nice of you to say . . . [/quote]
Your Tara Ploughman quote is SO true . . .
Yes, scaredy, long before Pigg UR “outed” you, I suspected you worked in the occupation you do. There were a number of “clues” in your posts that spoke to me. I am, shall we say, “highly familiar” with your particular occupation and “niche-specialty.” The very noble career you have chosen literally “makes the world go ’round” in our humble state. Most citizens don’t realize, that, without faithful servants like yourself plugging along every day, the “system” would break down and turn into chaos . . . very, very, very fast.
Do tell, scaredy, do you wear a bowtie on occasion?? Suspenders, perhaps??? I’ll bet dollars to donuts you are very good “off the cuff” with a jury of Riverside County John Does and Suzy Q’s . . . shall we say, the “hardhat set!” And I’ll bet you are able to endear them to you and your client’s issues with your hands behind your back!
scaredy, I think you are quite a charming treasure . . . IMHO, slightly dyslexic, but quite charming, nonetheless . . .
For the record, Piggs, dyslexia has absolutely NOTHING to do with intelligence or skill level. It is a spacial problem with words and letters that an individual is born with. Many persons with this affliction are self-made multi-millionaires and typically carry a small dictionary in their back pocket at all times. (I could tick off the names of a few well-known locals, here.) I have never been dyslexic but know and understand this affliction from my vast personal experience. My job is to clean up the writings of these afflicted subjects . . . for a judicial audience, a noble “grunt-work occupation” in which I take seriously and have always excelled :=}