[quote=walterwhite]So you significantly scratch your carbon fiber bike and it’s not safe to ride.
In real life I think steel fails slowly on bikes. It creaks. It gives notice it’s dying.
Carbon doesn’t.[/quote] I have had a steel bike fail suddenly (Motobecane). You don’t always have the creak. As for a scratch, it has to be a bit more than a ‘scratch’. Try gouge.
Some of the pictures from http://www.bustedcarbon.com/ prove my point about the ‘safety factor’. I looked at the end of the ‘Cannondale’ submitted July 4, 2011. The thickness of the carbon fiber tube is about the same as of a steel tube bike. You don’t do that with carbon.
As for some of the others, bent steel, bent aluminum or busted carbon, you still have a broken bike. Thinwall moly can not just be bent back together. A lot of those were caused by accidents, which would either bend the tubing or crack the carbon.