[quote=walterwhite]Perhaps the vow should include; ” do you, Brian agree to have sex with Edith and Edith only, until you drop dead, unless she dies first, and if she’s pissed at you, and refuses to have sex with you, in which case you agree that you will have no sex whatsoever, for whatever time period Edith specifies, completely at her discretion, other than with yourself, of course, but in any event discreetly, for as long as it takes for edith to momentarily suspend her disgust with you ling enough to engage in intercourse, and to in any event not have sex with anyone employed in the household under any circumstances, even if you haven’t gotten laid in like a year.
I do”[/quote]
Love it! Seriously though how many women would marry a man that from the get go said he wanted to have sex with other women-none I presume. How many men would get married if they knew with certainty that they would be having less sex married than if they were single-probably not any.