[quote=walterwhite]Just reading the name of the charges alone with a creepy picture would freak anyone out.
Not all cases are equally creepy.
You can have a drunk, lonely, divorced cop dad who gropes his teenage daughter’s friend at a sleep over, who immediately takes responsibility, pleads guilty, pays for the victims counseling, gets counseling himself, was lonely, entirely situational one time deviant thing, and he could be charged with the same offense as a mentally ill stranger who tries to grab a kid in a park and feels the kid’s butt.
They are just not the same in terms of how a parent would probably feel in terms of present danger, and that’s why i said, without reading the police report, it’s hard to know anything.
The overwhelming majority of cases nationwide are between parties who know each other, not strangers. The other thing to consider is, of course, that sex registrants move. I have no idea whether they move more than the average person, but i would suspect they probably do.
So the registrant a few blocks down who you’re afraid of might be gone the next week– or you could move into a “registrant-free” area that could have a sudden influx of registrants shortly.
Even wealthy neighborhoods are not immune, as registrants are likely to live with family upon release form custody, and the family may have money. I would suspect without knowing however that they tend to cluster in not-wealthy neighborhoods.
Doubt that makes you feel any better.
THE WOODSMAN with kevin bacon. pretty neat film about a child molestor released from prison trying to go straight. courageous non-mainstream flick. I kinda liked it.[/quote]
Very succinct and well-put, scaredy.
Ahhh, scaredy, I am noticing that your prose is more lucid and grammatical than usual when you’re on a topic of which you are highly familiar. And I see you’ve switched to gibsons for your traditional evening cocktail. I’m sure that helps, as well. If you don’t mind my asking, what is your new brand?
And why don’t you fill us hungry Piggs in on the results of any recent bids you got for septic/leachfield/poo remediation??