walter, just don’t end up like those guys you see all yoked up top, but with the skinniest legs and relatively weak core, and throw out their back lifting all those weights or tweak their knee because the rest of their body is weak. dead lifting 300lbs when you’re not a laborer who’s hauling stuff… is really only useful if you want to impress yourself, maybe impress chicks, or if you plan on hauling some dead bodies.
if you truly want to be strong, focus on functional strength and flexibility, IE can you run, jump, twist, lift heavy crap at home, touch your toes, all without straining body parts? don’t know where you live, but go find some circuit training classes that keep your heart rate up, predominantly use your own body weight and some medicine balls, and let us know after the 1st class if you can walk the next day without cringing or sit down on the toilet seat without grimacing…