Wall Street doesn’t make $$$ when intelligent people protect their wealth by purchasing real money (physical silver and gold). Wall Street will do everything they can to discourage/prevent us from doing so.
The recent introduction of silver and gold ETFs is Wall Street’s attempt to capture some of the smart money moving into commodities.
The silver iShares ETF has filed with the SEC to increase their holdings by 150% (from 100 mil oz to 250 mil oz). Some analysts question whether there is that much silver available – it certainly isn’t available on the COMEX.
I agree that silver and gold will re-enter the monetary picture at some point in our future. Probably when gold passes $1500/oz.
Yes, I am a silver and gold BULL! We are in a long-term bull market for silver and gold. Based on past commodities bull markets, this one will run until at least 2011 and probably much longer. My exectations are for $80/oz silver and $1650/oz gold – I am hoping for much higher numbers and I favor silver over gold because the % gain will be much higher.
Silver and gold may go lower from here but I have been buying both for the last few weeks. This could well be our last chance to buy gold under $600/oz and silver under $12/oz.
Sorry for climbing up on my soap-box again: if you want to understand how we are all being screwed by the banking cartel and their fiat currency you must read “Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve”, by Edward Griffin.