Voting for Romney/Ryan b/c Obama’s only plan for ANYTHING is taxing the rich more. He has no other freaking plan. All he can do is attack Mitt Romney’s financial success & plans on Medicare. And because most of the American public is dumb as sh*t, full of shitty TV shows and fast food, and uninformed, they buy that propaganda middle class sh*t Obama puts out.
Romney also had the only intelligent thing I’ve heard yet on housing to date, that was just let the foreclosures rip naturally and let the market correct itself. Instead of Obama’s socialist wealth redistribution loan mods and principle reductions & letting people squat for 5 years and not make a payment. And I voted for Obama in 2008.
Also voting NO on prop 30 b/c it’s just a tax increase on people making >$250k AGI. Another attack on the financially successful, industrious, intelligent people of our society to pay the bills for all the other lazy slobs in this state.
If prop 30 passes state income taxes for those making over $250k AGI will go to 10.3%!!! And if Obama is re-elected he is going to raise the federal income tax for those >$250k to 40%! So if you live in CA and net over $250k you will pay 50% of your hard earned income in taxes!!! That is called THEFT, stealing from those who work hard in our society. Those who spent years sacrificing and taking risks others didn’t to build businesses, go to medical school, go to law school, pull all nighters & work our butts off just so we can pay the bills of the lazy slobs in this country. The only thing that has EVER been fair was the flat tax idea by Steve Forbes. If prop 30 passes I’m out of CA moving my business to WA state where there is no state tax. Fu*k the weather in CA…if I can get out of 10.3% state income tax I can take about 5 vacations to the tropics in winter instead of giving my money to the state of CA to be squandered by the criminals in the democratic state legislature & go to paying the criminally outlandish state pensions to the corrupt state unions and retirees.