Vferraro. Thanks for your insights on the Crosby. We will get our first look this weekend with it and the Bridges.
As for these places being just a step up from Del Sur, we wondered into Del Sur on one of our trips and it struck us as very CV like, but without the prime CV location. Santaluz is more than a step up in my mind in terms of size and quality of home/lot and neighborhood feel. While we are looking at large custom homes in Santaluz and you can find homes in the $8 million range there (above our price range), you can’t find homes like that in Del Sur or CV. Even the “low end” homes of Santaluz strike me as nicer than what you find in Del Sur or the tract portions of CV.
The areas I am looking in I view as essentially comprable to eachother. Certainly I can find homes in all of them in my price range. Of course they are indeed different from eachother. But I say different, not necessarily better. I think folks who live in the neighborhoods I am looking in are all very happy to live there, from Cielo to Santaluz to the Covenant to FBR.
I always have to stop myself when making comparisons. Even when I lived in a simple duplex in old CV, I just loved it and thought my neighborhood was great.
You just can’t go wrong living anywhere in North County. It is all nice.